Sunday, August 20, 2006

Writely as Blogging Editor

Writely is now open to public sign-ups. Previously new accounts were invitation only.

In response to RJ's post about Writely, I have been using Writely to post to my blog, and it has worked fine. Not only does it post well, but it also selects the correct Wordpress category from the Writely tag.

However formatting errors have occurred, for example sometimes the font is too small, even though I did not change it in Writely. One time Writely couldn't post the blog, so I went to the Writely Group and asked for help. Not long after someone at Writely/Google solved the issue, and that problem never occurred again.

I think formatting problems are very common, I've had problem in many many online editors (Vox, Wordpress, and These depend on many variables, including browser, OS, blogging platform etc... This is not an excuse for Writely to have these problems, but I can sort of understand them. Hopefully they will solve these soon. For the moment I am happy with Writely in general.

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